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Old 07-11-2017, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest

"Specious claims"

MORON JR. is supplying the rope to (figuratively) hang his own dad and you are so scared, all you can do is to is to try and divert by yelling... "oh look, a shiny thing?"

You're supposed "nothing burger" is looking more like steak and tough $hit for you.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:

I am totally befuddled that there continues to be ANY partisan conversation in this forum or anywhere after the events of the last few days.

Months now we have heard one after another associates of, and Trump himself say nobody ever associated with that campaign ever...ever met with anyone from Russia at any time.

We now know that not only was that a huge lie, but the lies change daily. Today the President actually praised his sons transparency, as we hear the only reason he released these emails was the Times gave him a heads up. He just keeps lying, and now we have the family business in OUR White House.

How can any American citizen care about anything right now except our country. This family has betrayed the country, and not speaking up is absolutely supporting that action.

Yes, we have other things that need discussion, but first address what appears to be anti American behavior by everyone in the Presidents circle.

Are we so damn polarized that we can't even see this ?