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Old 07-12-2017, 06:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
YOUR vote means nothing to the election process because EVERY D or R candidate already works for "them", the corrupt political system. Your "choice" is among two corrupt doesn't matter WHICH thief you choose...they'll BOTH rob you blind.
Maybe that is the truth, but I choose to vote for the lesser of the evils. Otherwise, we give up ALL control by allowing someone else make our decisions on who runs the country. It's a matter of choosing the robber baron that I prefer. One robber baron steals my money and uses it to run the gov the way he wishes, allowing me to keep some of my earnings. The other steals my money to give to those that worship him, but are useless otherwise. This one does not allow me to live any better a lifestyle than the ones that are being supported. The original one allows me to live according to my ability. I choose the Robber Baron that does not give my taxes to the lazy just to buy votes. I choose the one that gives me the freedom of living the lifestyle according to my ability, not the lower lifestyle equal to the lazy. Yes, both are robber barons, but at least I get some say in the choice between the two evils.