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Old 07-16-2017, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The people that voted for this loser of a operson are the stupid ones. Talk about being rubes. Trump is about making things easier for himself and his rich buddies. Very little if that will trickle down to the average Joe. As far as impeachment, anyone who is literate and reads or listens to the news can see that Trump is flirting with impeachment. Using his power to impede Comey's investigation, then firing Comey when he wouldn't go along with it, is clear obstruction of justice. Then add in possible colliusion with the Russians - you certainly have to have your head buried in the sand if you don't think there is something wrong with this behavior. It is clearly an escalating pattern of misconduct, which has been grounds for impeachment in the past. It will be interesting to see what Mueller comes up with. If his investigation confirms what we are seeing in the media as far as obstruction of justice and Russian collusion, it will come down to Congress. Can they forego the intense partisan loyalty of Republicans and do the right thing, what is best for the country?
What a D.A. comment. Noting but Troll material from the left. Movin' on...........