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Old 07-28-2017, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest

I donate more than twice that amount every month to honest charities, using this as a guide (Charity Navigator - Your Guide To Intelligent Giving | Home) and also to other great causes...such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the American Humanist Association (love their logo).

That the zoo I sent the $100 to refused to name one of their apes after you in their contest, in no way reflects a discouragement on my part...that I at least tried.


As for Hillary, yes she lost the electoral college (while winning by almost 3 MILLION the popular vote)...and therefore is not the POTUS.

But in hindsight, watching the clown act currently in the White House and the ignorant things they do on a daily actually quite a nice consolation prize.

So thanks for that.

Deepest Sincere Wishes: