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Old 07-29-2017, 07:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The problem is not whether the person is gay, but that of a person that is gender confused. A person that cannot accept what GOD or fate or nature or whatever gave them in life. I short person cannot enlist and a too tall person cannot enlist. Once a person with flat feet could not enlist, or a person with other seemingly small ailments. There are also minimum scores required on the written enlistment test that eliminates some that are physically capable to fight. The gender confused should NOT be given the right to serve in the military, just because they WANT to. The military is not a democracy. The military has enough to handle with those that have REAL honorable ailments such as PTSD and other combat related injuries. If the gender confused can't accept that, then that is their mental debilitation. There are limitations in every career, whether physical or mental. Why enlist those with medical and mental requirements when we have an abundance of warrior material that's healthy and willing.
It's the same thing...a man thinking he's a woman is gender confused. Are you saying ONLY those who "aren't sure" are a problem? Once they make up their mind that they're really the opposite sex...fully insane...they're NOT a problem any more? THAT is when they ARE a problem. Completely insane. Same as claiming to be Napoleon or Jesus.

Trust me...those required scores are VERY low. So low a black can "pass". What do you think a black knows after "graduating" from a 90% black inner city school?

Not many any more...the standards have ALL been lowered...and lowered allow women and minorities access. We have QUOTAS where those who didn't qualify get in over those who did and did better. The world isn't the place we grew up in. It's been dumbed down.

Who? White men? We're only 25% of the population now. We can't afford to send what's left off to be killed. Lower the standards again...ship off the inner city minorities. They don't contribute more than they take in anyway. Send the women...they want equality? They can live in a trench for a year like the men did. Women don't know what REAL work and hardship are.