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Old 08-07-2017, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Was going to respond to this but I see that another poster beat me to and I couldn't say it any better than he did. So see post #19 and I'll just say I concur.

Come on, Rocky, now you are beginning to sound paranoid. First off, you are totally wrong about me wanting people to agree with my position only. Not so at all! In fact, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not as well informed as many of you. If you remember way back when I told you that you were one of my go to people for information, and how much I enjoyed your posts on the past political forum. Believe me, i have a lot of diversity in my family from politics, to religion, to you name it, so i can't afford to shut people out because they dont agree with me. If we can't find comon ground we just agree to disagree and move on. As far as shutting anyone out, I think you did that to me when I didn't agree with you.......will have to see if I can figure out which thread that was, but you said you probably would not be able to have further discussion with me because of my beliefs.

Secondly, no one has told me anything about you and/or CNM. In fact, I have never met nor facebooked with anyone on the political forum. I just see what I read on here and base my opinions on that. Other than you always taking sides with CNM, I never thought you were anything like him and still don't. Sorry you are disappointed, but my reasons for coming on here were not necessarily to make friends and certainly not to make enemies. I'm just really tired of the nastiness and negativity and I find CNM's to be the harshest.......maybe it's because it is so unrelenting and deeply personal. Maybe it's the hypocrisy of the so-called defender of those being bullied, being the actual bully himself. I often don't engage with him because as poster #19 so aptly put it, he tends to purposely demean and belittle other's opinions. Personally, I don't need that kind of negativity in my life.....getting too old for that crap.

One last thing - my other concern was losing good posters on here. I saw where Carl from Tampa posted the other day how he can't believe the nastiness on here. I guess that is partly what has got me going today. Losing a poster of his caliber would be a damn shame. And I will agree with you that it is other poster's on here as well, not just CNM, but it needs to stop or this forum will be useless and a waste of time.
A few things....

If I offended you at all, I apologize. Feeling "put upon" a bit today but that is my problem. Sorry

For COLDNOMORE.....I am not saying anything but he went through quite a bit with some posters on here of a personal nature. I do not know the details, but hoping that he sees this and maybe shares with you.

BECAUSE, listen up....he and I ONLY agree on Trump. We have far differing views on most issues. My view on issues will be closer to yours than his FOR SURE

I keep saying it, and get abused and called a liar on it, but I have been a conservative most of my life. This President....well, his nomination drove me away because they abandonded the principles which brought me to the party in the first place with his nomination

If you read the thread on immigration, you will see that Carl and I agree for the most part on immigration. Where we part ways, I THINK MAYBE, is the handling of those immigrants here illegally for years working, crime free and not involved with gangs.

I also, if you read there, support comprehensive reform and not patch work work with EOs.

Bottom line...CFNM and I do agree on Trump, but not on issues. Thus since we are the very much minority on here, we bond on that issue.