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Old 08-09-2017, 01:22 PM
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You know this President is so damn self absorbed. He keeps saying things and even if you want to support him, how do you allow his lies to just go on. His supporters on here are already saying things about previous administrations that are simply not true and made up.

This morning the President tweeted about how HE had made our nuclear arms so much stronger BUT THAT IS A LIE.

When you want to root for him, he still lies...remember the days when a lucid president would say....thankfully the previous administration ordered an update......

"But is the U.S. nuclear arsenal, as Trump boasted in a tweet earlier on Wednesday “now far stronger and more powerful than ever before...”

Probably not.

And almost certainly not because, as he also tweeted, that his first order as president “was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal.”

First of all, it wasn’t his first order — there were orders and memos on the Affordable Care Act and a hiring freeze, for example, that came before it, according to a USA TODAY database of his memos and orders.

More to the point, the renovations and modernization to the arsenal that he suggests were part of that order were put in motion by the Obama administration. Moreover, Trump’s order of Jan. 27 to rebuild the armed forces directed Defense Secretary Jim Mattis “to ensure that the United States nuclear deterrent is modern, robust, flexible, resilient, ready, and appropriately tailored to deter 21st-century threats and reassure our allies.”

That launched a review, not any new nuclear weapons programs. The review, typical for a new administration in the post-Cold War era, is ongoing and won’t be completed for months."

Trump, Mattis warnings to North Korea backed by aging but potent nukes