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Old 08-15-2017, 06:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Labeling people as alt-right, Nazi, white supremacists etc it what the left and media do to get people to kowtow to their demands!
It's works extremely well, whites are now demonized by all segments of American society. You need a villain, so you can create phony victims. Germans did it with Jews, now left is doing it with whites, who says history does not repeat.
Branding all whites as haters, racists etc is what bulling totalitarian governments do. Germans did it with the Jews! Today they are coming for whites, the demonization has been going on for last 60 years. 99.9% of whites are not in any hate group,nor do they support or agree with any of the nonsense. They are just people trying to live their lives and have free will t be the best they can be.
Welcome, newcomer. Good post. I would just add to your statement beginning with the "branding of all whites" that it is mostly attributed to white Trump supporters, generally those on the right. Liberals /leftists are given a pass and seem to be unaware that many conservative blacks, and also many Democrats, also voted for Trump. It is probably quite painful for liberals to admit to that, and of course, it totally rejects their allegations about right leaning whites since their simple analogy to "hate" always leads back to Trump supporters.

Keep posting. Don't let the bully and his cohorts silence you with their nasty retorts.