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Old 08-16-2017, 09:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I agree.

Just when we thought we might get, at minimum, an alteration to the health care bill, or a new bill to help american citizens cope with the rising costs of health care, our President, who assured us he would lead the fight to get revision in health care, decided to fight the election all spend his time demeaning the last President and his defeated opponent, along with anyone who disagreed with him, INSTEAD of walking the halls of congress actually working to get this done. Never approached those democrat who also wanted some changes....never, and beat his own party over the head....PUBLICLY and publicly is an important factor that he does not seem to grasp.

Then, instead of quickly moving on to tax reform, he is picking fights with anybody or any group who disagrees with him. Not sure if he felt that EVERY PERSON ON THE PLANET would agree with him on everything but seems that way. He fought with commentators and news sources instead of going to congress to actually work for for reform that would be tough in any case, but because he has insulted so many, will even be tougher.

He seems to still be campaigning for some reason. He and his followers say that certain people, including our media are stopping him, are "out to get him", BUT he does not realize that those folks are reacting to HIM, his words, his actions. NO president has 100% backing and I suppose he felt that HE is different

It appears he feels HE HIMSELF is more important than the issues he ran on, what people thought he would actually fight for. He fights only to protect himself, but demeaning our congress, their committees, their investigation. He fights only with those investigating HIM..

He told the country he was a great negotiator, yet he cannot even bring himself to negotiate. He said he was a great deal maker, yet he does not even try to make a deal.

Now, for no reason whatsoever, on the day he wanted to start infra structure, he allows him self to talk about race in such an un american manner....does he not know he is endorsing the Nazi party ?

So, maybe the accusations of intentionally destroying our Presidency (which he is doing), and mocking of hard working sincere american patriots (Judges, intelligence agencies, court systems, investigative bodies) were on target, because most of his time is spent maligning the press who WITH GREAT ACCURACY REPORT HIS WORDS AND ACTIONS and other americans who are the real patriots.

He has even made it seem as if HE is the one being picked on, although it is us, the american citizens who is being maligned by the oval office. He says he was 'forced" to criticize a nazi march....really ? He says there were some "good" people marching with nazi flags, torches and brown shirts....really ?

Again, are we surprised. His father was arrested at a Klan rally. This anti american, pro nazi sensibility has been at the crux of his character all his life from his early childhood, so why surprised.

YEP......we do keep hitting lows each day. We elected someone to GOVERN, not campaign; we elected someone to bring the country together, not tear it apart; we elected someone to work and insure progress with his promises of making "us great again", not take us further and further away from any progress.

He is further away from passing ANY legislation than any president in history and you have to ask why. Of course, his loyal followers who refuse to read or become aware will blame the left...whoever that is at this moment because HIS words and actions are driving even the right away from any legislative victories.

You would think that AMERICANS everywhere, and especially on this forum where most live in a community that most in this country would love. Who had opportunities as they matured that most in this world cannot even imagine.

Yet, we hear them align themselves with the FAR EXTREME RIGHT without, it appears, even realizing what they are aligning themselves with. They appear to not be FOR anything, but AGAINST quite a bit, and most they are against allowed them to earn money, live a life and live here.

If, in fact, you ask a Trump supporter what he or she is FOR, they will leave you speechless with an attack on Obama, Clinton and the media. It appears finding something you are FOR is difficult. Oh, they will say they are against congress, the same congress they have elected over and over for about 7 years; the same folks they will support again. does get worse every day. If anyone dare criticize the man in the oval, he will attack them for days, make his own news with his words and not his actions legislatively. HE will blame everyone but himself and he will do it in a mean way. He will alienate anyone that might help US, the american citizens who in fact are "supposed" to be the recipients of his daily "work". does get worse every day. Our President could have kept the issues front and center, IF HE WISHED TO, but he did not. He is making HIMSELF the center of attention, and the critique of the media is so insanely stupid I cannot believe it.

Locally, this forum is as I called it......a white nationalist web site and it brings true meaning to what Charles De Gaulle said ""Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first." does get worse every day, and I suggest to you that one person is feeding it and is the only person to reign it in, but we have said that before, but the minute times goes by and he is not front and center HE goes off to get the attention, destroys any hope for any agenda he might have...which allows that maybe this IS his agenda.
Probably the most selfish and least noble President we have ever had.