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Old 08-18-2017, 10:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
He will never apologize, he thinks that he does " no wrong"! BUT it's not to late for followers to jump off this wrecking train! When you look at that person on the other side of that mirror, do you really think you made the best decision. Can you really rationalize that there are "fine" people in white supremist and the KKK, Really????
You don't get it...the "fine people" ARE the ones who want to protect America, who want to keep America great and not turn it into a 3rd world cesspool like EVERYWHERE the blacks and to a lesser extent the Hispanics are the majority.

It's THEM. They are NOT us. And THEY are becoming the majority. Can a country survive when almost 1/2 are receiving government benefits? How about 3/4? In 30 years, 3/4 of the population will be "minorities".