Thread: Bannon OUT!
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Old 08-19-2017, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
This is the scenario that I spelled out to CARLINTAMPA. These are the definitive definition of ignorant trolls. They don't disagree, because they do not know how.

They simply are immature people who have no knowledge, and probably were kicked of the main board at some time.

They are now polluting and soiling this board
Even worse, are those who would take the most repugnant of a group (such as those within the Black Lives Matter movement, who promote violence against law enforcement) paint the entire group as the same so as to justify their own racism and bigotry.

Carl In Tampa is only the tip of the iceberg and the perfect example of why movements/groups like BLM (minus the small % of those advocating violence)...are even needed in the first place.

I would bet that CIT doesn't think a single one of the incidents of young black males murdered by law enforcement, whose primary crime was being a young black male...was law enforcement's fault.

Not a single fvcking one.

Not to say by any means, that a death of a black person presenting a risk to LEO's isn't justified in some cases, but if there weren't so many that were NOT justified...a Black Lives Matter movement would never be needed in the first place.

And yet, here we have a person who should be educated and fair, as a taxpayer paid servant supposedly protecting ALL Americans, using the justify their own prejudices, racism and bigotry.

Now multiply Carl In Tampa times thousands and it makes all of us white people damned glad we are white, because we know our lives would be in much more daily danger...had we been unlucky enough to have been born with black skin.

And then you have gutter scum like Baldwin, who think they did something special to have been lucky enough to have been born white...and then act as if they're superior due to pure luck.

All the while, good old boy Carl is the reminder that what BLM, the Southern Poverty Law Center (of which I'm a proud monthly contributor) and other groups stand for...are desperately still needed.