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Old 08-20-2017, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I don't and I admit, I can't. I have trouble with that as well. My end result is not to glorify this President in any way. There are many times that I just cringe to be honest and wish he would listen to those better voices around him. My desired end result is, as I said, for a different voice to be heard in this country - one that has been silent for way too long. If this is the path that we have to take to get there, then so be it. Just to repeat why I think this is so important - if both sides are not being heard, we will never get to the truth.

Now let me preface this next thought with this - as a person of faith I have no additional knowledge than anyone else as to what God is trying to do with this great country of ours. BUT, I do know that He uses and has used some pretty pathetic characters (at least in the eyes of society) to turn situations around for good. Having said that, I choose not to be the judge of our President's character and instead choose a wait and see approach based on actions and outcome.

I hope that this at least helps in answering your question.
This is a great and honest answer and I appreciate it.

I agree with all of it except the part about Trump. I, also had visions of him despite my feelings, of overcoming and doing what is best. Those visions are history.....he is the son of a Klan member, and spent his professional live as a racially divisive person, and after 7 months, he appears to be going back to the white nationalism he espoused for so many years.

BUT, everyone can change, right ?

Let us just pray that God continue to bless our country, because the trend is not a good one at all.

AGAIN thanks for honesty.