Thread: Bannon OUT!
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Old 08-21-2017, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
In what way, EXACTLY, are elected representatives of our country, Pelosi and Waters, making a "mockery" of our Constitution? In what way, EXACTLY, is the free press making a "mockery" of our Constitution? May I remind you that Trump violates the Constitution every single day via the Emoluments Clause? In what way, EXACTLY, is this country going "down the road to perdition"? One thing I have to assume, from the language of your post, is that you object to gay marriage and LGBT rights (such as the right to visit a loved one in intensive care at a hospital) that the rest of us have taken for granted for decades? Or is it that you think Muslims don't have equal rights? I must also assume, following my reasoning above, that your religion has led to you believe that equal rights is somehow equivalent to "perdition".
Just a note to your post.

The MSM is our savior with this administration and the lies and deceit.

They report extremely accurately and those who claim otherwise can NEVER supply any info. Some in this forum think commentators are news.

If they did not dig, there is so much we would not know, but should.