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Old 08-22-2017, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What I saw in this article is the presence of the indoctrination of blacks in their communities as respects whites and white cultural.

I had a black instructor in one of the seminars I attended equate the fact that all villains portrayed in movies, etc were always dressed in black...ergo all black people are bad.

I responded back not all characters dressed in black are portrayed as bad. You forget every kid's hero Zorro

The protesters demanding the removal of statutes, etc have tipped their hand as to their motive and intent with the destruction of oldest American statue of Christoper Columbus admitting that the reason was he was one that began the European movement to racist white America.

The left's movement is clearly intent on wiping out white America. it is being led by the World Worker Party, a communist organization and by Move a George Soros organization and no doubt the Russians

And so these folks have their useful idiots in the likes of Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, the Michael Moore's and yes even the MSM who all for personal gain votes, money notoriety pushing this anti-American agenda and so we suffer fools. Maxine waters and Nancy Pelosi are federal representatives who are suppose to do just the exact opposite of what they are doing now and yet they continue to intentionally stir the pot of discontent. they should lost their positions in Congress

Personal Best Regards:
YES! Now STOP fighting those who are trying and HAVE been trying to save the white race. Join THEM...not the inferiors who are breeding us out. You've been backing the WRONG side. They are the majority already, reverse this trend. No more dollars for babies.