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Old 08-27-2017, 01:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Orpheum theater won’t show ‘Gone With the Wind,’ calling film ‘insensitive’ |

It is a 1939 movie that reflects the society and values of that time just when the Second World War started to inflame Europe. Gone With the Wind (1939) - Rotten Tomatoes

That's kind of insensitive to history. The evacuation of Dunkirk was about five months after this movie came out. Battle of Dunkirk - Wikipedia
Disney won't release my favorite Disney production "Song of the South because of the grandfatherly black guy that tells the tale

I loved the old guy and still do .

Corporations are only interested in the bottom line.

I resent their attempt to control and manipulate.

Historic figures, places and events fit their times and should be viewed as people of their times.

To do otherwise is either out of ignorance or hypocrisy

The attempts now to wipe out our past are hypocritical and misdirected.

Personal Best Regards: