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Old 08-27-2017, 03:28 PM
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Post My Opinion.

Originally Posted by Guest

What I found to be also fascinating is that the author, Richard A. Epstein ( Libertarian ) describes himself as a "classical liberal"
That is indeed a subtle remark.

What he is saying is that the classic liberal philosophy has morphed into something else.

What he is saying is that liberals once believe and would defend First Amendment rights to free expression.

So who, what ,where and when was the Democratic liberal party hijacked?

I have my views but I am more interested in hearing others

Personal Best Regards:
The Democrat Party hijacking by the ultra-Liberals dates from the 1960s. The transition of the government from classic Democrats to ultra-liberal positions came with the change in the Presidency from Jack Kennedy to Lyndon Johnson, father of "The Great Society."

But, the most significant factor in the transition was not as much in the political arena as in the area of education. The very unpopular Vietnam War caused an uprising against the Draft among college students, in particular those who were resisting being drafted and sent to fight in Vietnam.

These resisters in the anti-war movement also trended towards the "free love" breakdown of the nations' moral code. And, these "anti-establishment" people found themselves attracted to the profession of school teaching. It was an opportunity to spread their philosophy, while taking the least challenging courses offered at the university level. (No offense to our teachers, but a teaching degree is obviously not as difficult to obtain as a degree in law, medicine, or engineering.), for decades, successive generations of our impressionable children have been indoctrinated with the tenets of the Liberal agenda.

This has resulted in universities (which should be bastions of Free Speech) with severely circumscribed areas of Free Speech, bans against "offensive words," charges of "microaggression" in some cases of offensive speech, and the ultimate classic new Liberal nonsense of "Safe Spaces."

Who? --- Liberal activists.
What? --- Indoctrinated our children.
When? --- Beginning in the 1960s.
Where? --- In the schools.
Why? --- To gain power over our people.
How? --- By subverting our Constitution and laws.

Carl in Tampa
