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Old 08-27-2017, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The silence from the left concerning this thread (subject matter) is both deafening and telling. I suspect the reason is progressives don't know how to fit in their Trump bashing into this topic

So to my conservative friends "How do you help relieve a progressive from exhibiting Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) ? speak to the legal and practical reasons for First Amendment rights.

Personal Best Regards:
What you have never grasped, nor will you is this.....

You make an assumption that anyone who finds Trump a disgusting person and a threat to our country is a liberal.

You assume all liberals feel the same way.

You speak of free speech, yet are silent on the pardon of a sheriff who denied free speech to many, and has cost his state millions.

You speak of free speech yet will not condemn the President for LOUDLY AND PROUDLY not condemning Nazis.

You couch every post in fancy words. You speak of identity politics as if owned by Democrats, yet ignore any other foray into the same thing.

In short, you are a phoney..totally.

I am a conservative and have been fighting for conservative values all my life.

I believe we have no new health care bill because our president was so wrapped up in his own imagery he did not do the work. Yet, you a professed follower of his preaching arecsilent. Of course you bkame congress FIRST, and they are not blameless but Trump is simply destroying any chance of real conservative LEGISLATION because of his interest in HIMSELF.

Those who endorse this man, but claim true to conservative values are simply phonies.

You refer to Trump as a means to something....not your words, but your thought. want to solve congressional logjams ?.you want to actually pass legislation in congress ?Trump is opposite of what is needed.

Changing things is done by's that simple. The President, as head of the party in power must go to work, not accuse. He must lead, not hold rallies. He has to expand horizons, not limit them. He needs to unite, not divide.

Pretty simple. EOs last for a short time....want to make America great again ? Follow the AMERICAN ideals, and do the work. Stop talking about who is past..concentrate on America