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Old 08-27-2017, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
"There are certain harms that are non-actionable, offense is one of them. If I say something that you find is duly offensive, you may protest, you may speak, but what you may not do is to sue me in order to silence me or get compensation from me.

Everybody offends everybody a large fraction of the time.

Those who advocate controlling speech tend to want only their sense of what's offensive to count and nobody else.

Yet the fundamental tenet of classical free speech law is that the rules ought to be "viewpoint neutral". Nobody can use force against nobody, regardless of their viewpoint; but anybody can express his view, irrespective of how offensive everybody else will want to regard it.

Even more complicating, controversial speech often isn't conducted between two people alone but is shouted from the soapbox. How much offense is required before government pulls the plug?

People now have every motivation to ratchet up their level of indignation in order to say, "Look you really hurt me." As a result you make racial, ethnic, religious and social sensibilities an art form.

One recent technique of of doing so is called microaggression. At which point can nobody talk? if you drop the "micro" and keep the aggression then, since you aggressed against me I can now use force against you in self-defense.

This is the part of the modern left wing First Amendment
law which holds that anything you say that offends me is a form of violence to which I can respond with by use of force."

Richard A. Epstein
Professor University of Chicago/
New York University
One of the world's foremost legal academics
America's leading intellectual Libertarian ( he defines himself as "classical liberal)
WSJ August26-27-17

Personal Best Regard
I must admit before I started this response I had to look up the word solipsistic which for anyone else who doesn't know what that means: "I am the only mind which exists"

To which I would reply currently there is a deep division in this country between right and left! So much so that years ago the Major Network News were called out as the:


The left of center gets there news from MSNBC, which is moving to the center, and Huffington Post, while the right gets there news Fox and the internet like the Washington Times.

Both sides would think each source only presents a solipsistic side on the issue. Given this position we would never be able to agree on anything! But we have for 200 years we may not like the compromise...

Now for microaggression, this is a NEW issue mostly limited to college campus's. There is a TED talk about it which I haven't taken the time to listen to. But I do have some college professor friends with whom I have had some discussions.

To me is like the college admissions quotas in California for a number of years Asian's received additional slots however in California the Asian population grew so the community wanted them broken down into Japanese, Korean..... As I remember it didn't go well for them

As the resident racist likes to point out to us, the minorities are going to overwhelm us at some point. On college campuses that has already begun, seriously nobody would use a racial slur on a collage campus today. So now they complain about it for a laugh!