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Old 08-31-2017, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
If I'm not mistaken you mentioned civil war. Civil war because you don't like the mix of people coming here is xenophobic and unstable. You are part of that dwindling majority, aren't you ?
That stupid eagle avatar tells it all.
No it's not...wanting to breed out the whites and replace them with minorities...THAT is unstable. Name me a successful minority majority country.

Originally Posted by Guest[B
]If we become Mexico II it'll have nothing to do with our ethnic mix[/B], it'll have to do with the scumbag bankers and industrialists that have moved our jobs overseas so as to line there greedy pockets. Eventually 2 economic classes will comprise the majority, just like Mexico. Ask any untrained, underemployed and undereducated WHITE guy.
If the disenfranchised white people wanted real change they would have voted for Bernie. But the blind hatred for minorities wouldn't allow them to. Stupid lower class whites consistently vote against there own best self interest.
It'll have EVERYTHING to do with it. The border counties and increasingly the entire border states and becoming more and more Hispanic and more and more like Mexico.

Ask the over-trained and over-educated white guys about affirmative action and quotas. You're taking 15th place and promoting them to a 3rd place disqualified 12 white guys because of the color of their skin. And now you have someone who isn't qualified taking up a slot that others depend on. Most places are 20% dead wood because of all the EEO rules.

We killed ourselves trying to be nice...trying to be inclusive.