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Old 09-08-2017, 04:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I was talking to a Conservative. I told him that our country is going down a dangerous path that is different from the America that I know and love. I explained that we are being led by someone who lies incessantly, without any regard for morality. He espouses misogyny, xenophobia, and racism. He honors Nazis while denigrating those who oppose them. He is narcissistic to the point that many question his mental stability. His staff in the White House is like a sinking ship with rats jumping off, or being chased off nearly daily. Instead of attempting to heal deep political wounds in the country, he continues to conduct campaign style rallies where he spews his hate and nonsense to his base. He operates as our leader after finishing second in the popular vote in America, and currently holds about a 30-35% approval rating on all polls being conducted, including polls conducted by FOX News. He insults the leadership in Congress, takes only an cursory role in trying to pass legislation, and then rails because nothing is accomplished by a federal government with Republican majorities in the House and Senate along with this Republican President.

His response was, "I hate Hillary and I hate Obama."

congratulations. you attempt to one up my original post and you do so by taking the time to DVR commentary by CNN and recording it word for word. Then the ingenious part was your adding "His response was......"

Wait that's the manner in which I ended the original post on this thread.

Imitation is the most expressive way to flattery. Imitating me makes me blush

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