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Old 09-11-2017, 10:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
How do you find the time to watch all those movies? Must be nice.
Are you not retired? I do not golf. And watching movies carefully has been a chore of mine since the guy behind me at the Petaluma Theater in Northern CA leaned over and asked me "Did you see that?" when they showed the number 612 in the 1995 movie Outbreak. Whose stars might or might not have been staying at the Red Lion Inn 300 feet behind our Rohnert Park, CA home on Fairway Drive. Outbreak was filmed in that area. Outbreak (1995) - Rotten Tomatoes

613 was my number in the 17 week study on stress on the unemployed conducted by the University of California, San Francisco Heatlh Sciences Campus. I had showed my interviewer a lot of the letters and stuff I had received up to then which were from Members of Congress, US State Governors, a Presidential advisor (Health Care Task Force under Hillary Clinton), and the like.

I had 4 degrees in 1989 and in 1989 was working under M. Kathleen Price at the U of MN Law Library. She became the Law Librarian of Congress in 1990. One of these letters was from the Law Librarian of Congress dated around 1992.