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Old 09-12-2017, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
07/23/2016 4:12PM

Salut tu vas bien ?? j'ai un Truc a te proposer si tu veux bien sur.

I said Oui, bien sur.

This was from an actress/lawyer from Paris, France. She kicks butt. Hope not mine for posting this.

Hope sure looks at my Law Library thread and other places here on Talk of the Villages. I expect she knows about my 224 613 Project as do many I have contacted since 2002 or so via Findlaw, e-mails and snail mail letters.
Hope she is aware of what is on Talk of the Villages Political Forum. As are many of my friends made in many fields while I have been doing this 224 613 Project before even starting to use these numbers in late 1992 while living in Rohnert Park, CA about 300 feet from where there were often movie star trailers at the Red Lion Inn.

UCSF Medical Center I was # 613 in a 17 week study at the UCSF Health Sciences Campus in late 1992-1993.

224 613 Project