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Old 09-13-2017, 07:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
Thank You. I did tell my Dad that others had told me that the best thing to do about these bullies is just to Ignore them. However, I do need to make a record of it and hope that others start standing up and doing what is right. This kind of behavior should not be tolerated and it reflects very baldy on TOTV when others do not condemn it in the strongest of terms.

I have tried Ignoring these people and they just try new ways to get under my skin. With the frequent Political Posts started with a title jabbing at me. I see these whether or not I am Ignoring them. The Yahoo 2017 TOTV NFL Pick-Em and those names--Gene Coppola, CathyWoods, Michelle and Mitchell-- and now this extremely low criminally pretending to be my father and having e-mails sent to his e-mail address.

This should not be allowed to continue.
You did a fine job on that Yahoo, not knowing what your own password was.

Take cnm's advice and go to the police immediately!!!!! He is a very smart man.