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Old 09-15-2017, 07:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Liberals are all about giving control of themselves to the gov nanny. They NEED the gov to run their useless lives, so they mandate climate control tactics, control of speech, control of guns that protect good people from bad, control of what one eats, control of health care. Did I miss any control that the liberals wish to give the government?
Liberals are women and minorities...BOTH needy. Men provide and women's how societies have run for millions of years. Women are smaller and weaker, are encumbered with babies/children...and therefore NEED to be provided for by the men. Our "modern society" determined in the 1960s to throw away millions of years and try something new...women/minority domination. It's NOT working.

Originally Posted by Guest
From a non-profit think tank on climate change - The consensus among scientists is that the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and warmer oceans, made these recent storms far more destructive than they would have been in previous decades. In other words, climate change is not the cause of the storm, but it makes bad storms worse. And in the case of a really bad storm, climate change can make it totally disastrous or catastrophic.

It's not brain surgery. If the ice caps are melting, causing a rise in sea level, the chances for destructive storm surges and flooding greatly increase.
Flooding of swamps turned into subdivisions made this storm destructive...widespread power outages made this storm destructive. The top 3 storms are Emily in 2005, Labor Day in 1935 and Gilbert in 1988. There has been NO effect on Atlantic hurricanes.

Your story is full of "maybe" "chance" "could".

The planet has been warming since the last ice age ended. Slowly...cyclically.

CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere and it's not a strong greenhouse gas. The whole CO2 thing is a scam to make some people a lot of money.