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Old 09-18-2017, 06:00 AM
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Liberty, in philosophy, free will vis a vis determinism.

Politics, liberty social/political freedoms

Theology, liberty ,freedom from the effects of "sin"

Generally, liberty is the ability to do as one wills and what one has the power to do vis a vis concerns of arbitrary restraints.

We are a nation of laws. Laws are generally good and when they are not its because of misapplication unintentional and intentional.

Take eminent domain the government has a right to seize your property.

Look at the fight ranchers are having with the federal government for the lands they have usurped.

Try not paying your taxes because of what you believe is a legal dispute or simply because of the abuse by government officials of taxpayer money.

Voters have for as long as I can remember complained about politicians and the mantra of "throw the bums out". Yet here we are today in a worse situation with corrupt and inferior politicians

all this is done by the government in the names of safety, security, harmony..but is it really?

Personal Best Regards: