Thread: Akan People.
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Old 09-22-2017, 03:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Akan people - Wikipedia

Wish people would learn more about the different groups of people in Africa like the Akan people rather than just lumping them all together. They seem quite different from one another. Like Native American tribes such as the Lakota, Apache, Cheyenne, Paiute, etc.

They are some very well known men and women who have their ancestry in the Akan people. Ashanti people - Wikipedia

List of Akan people - Wikipedia

I had some Lakota members or half-breeds in my U of MN Law School classes or running around in the halls as well as Paiutes at my high and middle schools in Reno, Nevada. Had a class in Native American history with many of them at Earl Wooster High School.

I have defended your posts on many occasions and many of those seemed "off the wall". However, there seems to be no rhyme or reason for your starting this weird thread - and then to call some "half breeds running around in the halls" is just too strange. Just think about how others will react before actually posting!

Sometimes, the best idea is to think about what you are about to post - and don't post it.

Yes, I did think about posting this.