Thread: NFL thought
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Old 09-24-2017, 10:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
U idiots who want to take a knee. Take a knee in churches and Thank God you live in this great country of ours that Allowed you to make the millions you do for playing a sport. Taka a knee next to the coffin of a real man who died serving his country so trash like u could protest our anthem. We will no longer watch or support you and will teach our grandchildren about respect and what a real Role Model is. Boycott NFL. They are stinking up the fields. Trump is right again. Fire you All !
Obviously, you have no idea what the First Amendment to the US Constitution is all about.

Boycott the NFL? With the billions of dollars spent by sports fans?

You must be daft!

If The Trumpanzee cannot get his Mexican Wall paid for by the US (after promising Mexico would pay for it), cannot repeal or replace ACA, cannot explain a tax reform that will work, YOU think he can get an effective boycott on NFL?

You definitely are daft!