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Old 09-25-2017, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My own kind has a vena cava and les pieds and half of them are male and half are female. My own kind gets angry but tries hard to be patient.....but your own kind is making my own kind a little edgy.
So do lizards...what's you point? Are you comparing yourself to a lizard? Blacks?

Talk to me Gracie...

When is the last time you were on any MLK Blvd at night alone?


Then HOW can you judge what goes on? You've NEVER witnessed what goes on.

What you're doing is similar to judging an obscene movie you've never seen as pure and wholesome...because someone told you it was a "good" family movie. Except THIS is FAR more serious. This IS destroying the country.

Almost half the black population is collecting welfare...almost ALL the black women collect welfare. Think about it, almost half the black population collects welfare and half the population are women. It's simple math.

Don't believe me? VISIT the welfare office. Minorities...blacks and Hispanics...more than 90% usually.

Gracie...until you visit the 99%...the blacks on MLK do you KNOW what they're really like? When/if you DO ever visit will see I'm right.