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Old 09-29-2017, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by douga View Post
You are so very right. He was never one of my favourite hockey players but as a man he is a fine example of what more athletes should be. He donated 10 million dollars to the hospital in Montreal when he played there and has followed up in Nashville by being very generous.

I also am a proud Canadian who is so very happy with his stance concerning the National Anthem. He chooses to respect the flag of the USA and could use other methods to voice his concerns.

Like him more today that yesterday.
Thank you, Douga, for your informative comment regarding this hockey player. Question: why are hockey players, both professional and amateur, so exceptional as fine athletes. Does the NCAA give place these athletes on a pedestal that falls apart the moment they leave college? Do hockey players work so very hard to develop their skills and understand more than others that "success" can be fleeting? I know that in Canada and Europe youngsters who have promise as hockey players often agree to live in "strangers" homes far from their own. I knew some NHL players who were told as youngsters that if they did not follow the rules of their "Host Family" OR if they embarrassed the team they played with, they would be sent home and any chance of a professional career was over.
I guess they know that the world doesn't revolve around THEM.