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Old 10-01-2017, 05:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
NO...we DON'T ALL deserve respect. You EARN respect.

When half of your "people" are collecting get no respect. When your "people" destroy EVERY school they become the majority get no respect. When your "people" destroy EVERY neighborhood, EVERY city, EVERY country you are the majority get no respect. When quotas are used to get your "people" into positions you didn't get no respect.

EARN your respect don't demand it.
I totally agree with your statement that one must earn respect. Indeed the mis-use and oft stated remark is "you disrespect me"made by people unfamiliar with one another is a pime example. How can I disrespect you, I don't even know you. You simply cannot disrespect a person, especially one you do not know but a person you know or know of can lose your respect.

Having said that then why is it you level your comments at the entire black population. Can you admit that there are many black people who have worked hard and lived to realize the American dream. Have they not earned the right to our respect? I believe so.

Personal Best Regards: