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Old 10-07-2017, 05:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Definition of sublimate
sublimated; sublimating
transitive verb
1 a :sublime 1
b archaic :to improve or refine as if by subliming
2 :to divert the expression of (an instinctual desire or impulse) from its unacceptable form to one that is considered more socially or culturally acceptable

We spoke of traditional values and one that has been inherently lost is sublimation. We once had a significant number of people in this nation that aspired to be better citizens, workers, parents, teachers, doctors, lawyers.

We believed in the rule of law, patriotism, decency in all things, common courtesy, respect

Today you can't walk into an airport and go to the gate to welcome home family, etc. Unbelievable and unforgivable our schools are now equipped with metal detectors, etc. Schools by the way that are nothing more than K- college incubators of postmoderist indoctrination

Today we can't trust movie ratings because pornography is so common place it is hardly noticed but damages the fragile mind.

Promotion of drugs as cool and natural, especially legalized marijuana is a method wherein the powerful apply to maintain control, as are entitlements, etc.

Look at our politicians it is all about identify politics , about self interests and sowing chaos and discontent.

None can rise above it all Why?

Because we are becoming a nation wherein sovereignty is being replaced by collectives. Individualism is disappearing and the nanny state benefits and that's all a product of identity politics

Personal Best Regards:
While much of what you say is true, this is why I call you out as a hypocrite.

The man you defend almost with tear wrenching fervor as a man who is actually a leader is the single most immoral man I can think of. HE does not believe in patriotism, decency, common courtesy or respect. His life is one of ANTI all those things and his presidency has shown no respect, no decency and certainly no courtesy.

HE has this country in a daily frazzle about who he might accuse, what bold face lie might he tell, who will he challenge PUBLICLY on the world stage to further create unease.

His attacks on the media are simply "sublimating" and making the citizens believe that it is fine to demean, not only as a group, but personally our free press. He is delivering that message daily....he is sublimating a message of "listen to me, not them" even thought he never has been proven right.

He is sublimating his. lets call it "race vision" and has from the very beginning. Certainly he has over his life made an art of the race card in NYC.

His years long attack on Obama about his birth certificate was sublimation at its best.

He did not start it and I agree with you on the morals present in our society but our current President is the poster boy for what you are criticizing, YET you defend his every move, his every action.

This country is tired now..get up and see what he has done or said to embarrass or scare us all.