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Old 10-09-2017, 06:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Every single response you post comes to the same conclusion everything and anything Trump does is wrong vile ,? etc

Has it ever occurred to you that you are stuck in your circular thinking and obsession with Trump?

Has it occurred that the observation by the 19th-century French political theorist Alexis de Tocqueville: “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” has application to NFL players , owners , sportscasters that insult the very men and women of this nation that have given blood and treasure so that you, me and NFL players, et al can spout off the way we do?

Has it occurred to you that Trump's comments, while direct, speak the minds of many Americans?

Has it occurred to you that in this day of political correctness, directness, is refreshing ?

Has it occurred to you that we actually have people in this nation that believe, that speech that offends, should be subject to punishment or at least forbidden?

Personal Best Regards:
Have younoticed in our country each day, week, month is more anguish stemming from one single person. It might be his comments or threats to our own people as individuals or to a foreign country ?

Have you noticed that what you call representing the majority is coming from a man with the single lowest approval rating in history ?

Have younoticed that there has be ZERO legislation passed in his almost one year in office, and also that he very seldom speaks to policy, except as relates to himself or race ?

Have you noticed that our allies and enemies are all on edge due to one man ?

Have you noticed that our President criticizes only one thing....AMERICAN principles, whether he is accusing an ex president of wiretapping him, firing anyone who might even hint that he may have done something wrong ?

I might suggest that YOU are the one stuck in circular thinking. America in general seems to be waking up.

Trump approval hits record-low 32 percent in AP poll | TheHill

Nearly 70 percent of Americans say Trump isn't level-headed, and majorities say he's not honest or a strong leader. More than 60 percent disapprove of how he is handling race relations, foreign policy and immigration, among other issues.

Overall, 67 percent of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing in office, including about one-third of Republicans.

As this President keeps the entire country on edge with his immature actions and words, and I might add inches us closer to a very violent future, both at home and in foreign relations

I have been around awhile and watching our President engage in a war of words with the chairman of Foreign Relations to the point the chairmen simply walks away and refers to the WH as a nursery....that is simply a scary thought.

Even our Presidents friends and advisors cannot explain what our foreign policy is.

As I have said a number of times....he has not grown up..he does not know that his words and actions actually have an impact all over the globe. He does not care.

I am pushing 80 and never been so worried about our country and whatever future it may have.

YOU are the minority, not me