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Old 10-09-2017, 08:46 AM
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CFrance CFrance is offline
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Originally Posted by CFrance View Post
I hated my mother's vegetable soup. Hated it. She wouldn't cut the vegetables up. You needed a knife and fork and spoon to eat it. And you had darn well better eat it. And there was nothing else to go with it. That was it for dinner--a big bowl of vegetables in a bland broth. Now I think it was probably an end-of-the-month-no-money-left dinner. I actually liked her liver. And probably would have preferred her Spam to her vegetable soup.
I am not a fussy eater. Want to know why?
I lived with an Aunt and Uncle in southern Illinois for 9 years. At the first meal, I remember, there was something on the plate I did not want to eat. My precious Aunt Helen said OK. She took my plate from the table and placed it on a shelf and at the next meal, there is was, cold and old and not so good. Found out it is best to eat while it is warm. Cold pot roast, cold oatmeal is no treat. No finicky eaters allowed. End of problem. I can remember the first time she put my plate in the cupboard, I wondered, what is this all about?

I know that was the custom back then. But we never did that to our kids. If they didn't want to eat it, fine, but no dessert. Never made them eat anything they didn't want to. And I tended to feed them foods they liked to eat at the time. And they both grew up to be more adventurous eaters than we are.

Just a for instance, escargots... I wouldn't touch them with a ten-foot pole. The thought of them is disgusting and creeps me out. Our older son sucks them down like candy. I mail-order him frozen ones for his birthday.

And mussels and clams and raw oysters, and you-name-it in the seafood department. Stuff they wouldn't go near as kids. For us it was not worth the hassle having power struggles with kids about food. I still remember gagging on lima beans but being made to eat them anyway. I literally threw up on the dinner plate.
It's harder to hate close up.

Last edited by CFrance; 10-09-2017 at 09:24 AM.