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Old 10-15-2017, 05:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I think a persons sexual orientation is determined at birth. I think it is genetic. I don't think the current "in style" fixation on gender is needed to be taught in schools. We all figured out who we were attracted to and why all by ourselves. I try to be accepting and understanding of people's differences, but all this trying to keep girls from being girly and boys from being boyish is SILLY. Everyone listen to me.

Girl's whine and boys wrestle.

They always have and they always will. It is parental love that keeps them alive.
Experts differ on the "cause" issue. It is convenient that the left calls it biological rather than a choice because if it is biological well then it lends itself to more legitimacy and hence ....

And I would like to believe what you say about boys being boys, etc. However you ought to take a closer look at the sexual orientation school agenda. In short it is brain washing and if one kid speaks up they are shouted down as being recalcitrant. Try to have a kid walk in school with a t=shirt that promotes heterosexuality and see what the leftist administers do?
these are fragile mind susceptible and unsuspecting but very curious and hungry for answers. Indeed a lethal cocktail

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