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Old 10-18-2017, 02:21 PM
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Originally Posted by bbbbbb View Post
OK, Kapusta is Polish for Cabbage. And as you know Sauerkraut is a cabbage shredded and treated with vinegar, salt etc. So here is what we do and it is awesome.
Brown some thick pork chops or sausages very well in Olive oil.
In the frying pan you will have a dark residue. So, when the Pork or Sausage or both is well done, lift them out of the pan and put in the sauerkraut direct form the jar, not from a can. I believe the can lining impacts the flavor, glass does not. Put the cooked meat on top of the Kraut. So then I let the mixture simmer for an hour or so on very low heat. Corning ware is good for this or an electric skillet. It is awesome for sure. You can sprinkle in a bit of garlic powder and some onion powder and mix it in to the batch while it is cooking on low.
Yes, you can drink beer when you are eating it.
Thanks! But did you know you can drink beer even when you're not eating it?