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Old 10-18-2017, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Au Contraire:

It seems that Mueller investigation prowess is the equivalent of that of Mr Magoo. Given the substantive evidence of Clinton's uranium deal that had to have the approval of Obama you might want to believe Mueller would open an investigation there also?

Note none of the following would interfere jeopardize Mueller's investigation: and all request are legal and appropriate by the moving parties

And what about the James Bond-like Christoper Steele and oppo-research Fusion GPS who ginned up a supposedly dossier on Trump, one which they will not release and refuse to who paid for it?

And why did Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson refused to testify at the Senate Judiciary Committee to explain exactly who ordered the hit job on Trump which Fusion claimed was based largely on anonymous Russian sources which Fusion allegedly were tied to?

And how close to Natalia Veseinitskaya, the Kremlin lawyer was Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion?

And were federal law enforcement agencies relying on Russian directed disinformation when they obtained secret warrants against Trump and Associates?

Why is the FBI ignoring subpoenas from the House Intelligence Committee who are asking the FBI to release the dossier and any information obtained in connection with its production, payment distribution, etc?

And the Senate Judiciary Committee has not received any paper they requested from the FBI on the Russia matters, despite request from both Chuck Grassley and Dianne Feinstein?

And why is a jv player like Gregory Brower leading the FBI's Office of Congressional Affairs? Perhaps it has to do with the fact that Brower is a former confidant of James Comey?

And speaking of James Comey why is it neither Mueller or the FBI are interested in the fact that James Comey wrote two months before his investigation, on the matter, that Hillary was clear of any wrong doing in connection with her use of a personal e-mail server while serving as Secretary of State?

And doesn't it raise suspicion when Bill Clinton has a clandestine meeting with the Attorney General when said AG is suppose to decide on the fate of Hillary Clinton on an airport tarmac? meeting with Clinton is a basis for consideration of disbarment

and yet Trump has been investigated since November of 2016 and yet no smoking gun.

Taxpayers ought to be outraged

Personal Best Regards:
Wow, where do I start? substantive evidence of Clinton's uranium deal That one's been debunked about a million times.

Christoper Steele and oppo-research Fusion GPS who ginned up a supposedly dossier on Trump, one which they will not release and refuse to who paid for it? The dossier, which has been made public, was paid for originally by the Jeb Bush team during the campaign. It was picked up by the Democrats once the Bush team was out of the running, and the Bush team offered it to them. Trump Intelligence Allegations

The dossier has not been completely verified, but the parts that have been verified have all been true. In addition 9 of the Russian sources of the dossier have mysteriously died in Moscow since the dossier's contents were revealed. Nine months, nine prominent Russians dead - CNN

Natalia Veseinitskaya
, who secretly came to Trump Tower to meet with Donald Jr., brought former Russian Intelligence officer Rinat Ahkmetshin with her. He has been linked to various acts of corporate hacking, in order to supposedly provide the Trump campaign with “negative information on Hillary Clinton” that would have helped their campaign because that’s something the “Russian Government wanted” to do. Veselnitskaya was already a key figure for the defense in one of the most notorious money-laundering scandals in recent memory, encompassing $230 million in public funds allegedly stolen from the Russians by a network of corrupt bureaucrats and routed into real estate sales, including some in Manhattan, through ironclad Swiss bank accounts. Preet Bharara was the attorney in charge of the investigation into the corrupt network, but of course Trump fired him as soon as possible.

And were federal law enforcement agencies relying on Russian directed disinformation when they obtained secret warrants against Trump and Associates? Certainly that's possible. The FBI seizure of the Trump Tower server, which was directly connected to Russia, remains a mystery. FBI' 'probes' '‘odd’' 'link' 'between' 'Trump' 'server' 'and' 'Russia’s' 'Alfa' 'Bank' '-' 'France' '24

Why is the FBI ignoring subpoenas from the House Intelligence Committee who are asking the FBI to release the dossier and any information obtained in connection with its production, payment distribution, etc? Because the investigation led by Mueller does not leak, while the House Intelligence Committee leaks like a sieve and Nunes has already proven he is a lackey of the Trump Administration.

why is it neither Mueller or the FBI are interested in the fact that James Comey wrote two months before his investigation, on the matter, that Hillary was clear of any wrong doing in connection with her use of a personal e-mail server while serving as Secretary of State? Because she was cleared in August. The new emails you are referring to were simply the same ones found on a different computer, and had already been vetted. You will not find much conservative outrage about Hillary's emails in the future since both Ivanka and Jared Kushner have been outed as doing the exact same thing. Also, refer to my comment about the Russian server...we won't be hearing about Hillary's any more for the same reason. The Brazenness of Trump's White House Staff Using Private Email - The Atlantic

Trump has been investigated since November of 2016 and yet no smoking gun.

Taxpayers ought to be outraged
There are something like 17 pages of documents on the thread "Latest News on the Russian Investigation" which contains solid evidence. You had no problem with 3 years of investigations of Hillary over Benghazi, did you?