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Old 10-19-2017, 06:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The ad nauseam continues.

The Political Talk menu is over- loaded with Trump hate rants, misplaced Happy Birthday Celebrity greetings and fem-facist threads all of which may satisfy and entertain the poster but leave the rest of us bored unchallenged and disinterested.

Apparently the goal of such posters is not one of quality but solely of quantity

Again if you want to take the lead then please be a leader.

Personal Best Regards:
I cannot agree more.

This is bedlam here anymore. No one has ever in my whole life talked like some of these posters. They are like a lot of little boys writing bad words in the toilet.

No one listens to them, no one respects them. They just want negative attention. They must not command any kind of real respect from anyone in their daily lives.

Yesterday, one of the prolific posters here posted several derogatory posts about the older areas of The Villages. He made himself look bad, hurt people's feelings and did it because he could without his real identity being discovered.. He would never say anything so hateful and pompous to someone's face. They would deck him.