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Old 10-19-2017, 11:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Thanks for your response, but you completely evaded the question.

The simple answer for ANY American should be instantly stated and easily stated.

The idolization of this man over country is stunning.

Any man but this man especially who represents NOTHING GOOD of this country EVER, and has totally in short months ripped the world into shatters.

Cannot recall a time when so much tension in the world and across the nation and it ALL stems from one man.

Iran, North Korea, the bumbling of just about every foreign deal ever made...NATO, NAFTA, CLIMATE CHANGE.

Health care, firings, accusations of felonies, etc.

All of this stems from a man whose entire life has been steeped in lies and cheating.

And this man gets your loyalty over your country and you support his accusations, ANNOUNCED TO THE WORLD that he thinks our own FBI might be at the bottom of nefarious activities....HE ANNOUNCE THIS TO THE WORLD...... and you folks think our prestige is better start reading.