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Old 10-20-2017, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Link, not copy. Link, not copy. Your sourcing has already been proven unreliable. You need to watch Fox News from time to time and CNN and MSNBC. They aren't all pure as the driven snow, but they are all we have. Read Guardian, Reuters, APwire, Vox, Not perfect, and still many opinions but regarded higher than your smarmy sources.
What source are you speaking of that is unreliable.

You are exactly like Rubicon.....simply throw stones with generalities but feel no obligation to supply anything but your accusations.

I supply links for 99% of what I post as do others, but you two insist on calling everyone liars, while never able to sustain that claim or accusation.

Why do you feel you and Rubicon can get away with simply accusing people of things ?

CALLING THE NY TIMES "SWARMY" somehow does not sound right. And the NAVY Times unreliable ??