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Old 10-22-2017, 11:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
A lot are legit in need but many are scammers. What percentage I don't know. I would hope there are more legit folks than scammers but I wouldn't count on it.

I always thought that unless you had Flood Insurance any FEMA assistance was a low-interest loan that is hurt, SUPPOSED to be paid back.
Fraud and abuse are prevalent anywhere there is something free to be had be it medicare, FEMA, fake insurance claims . What they all have in common is that people view them as victimless crimes.

They take because no one is hurt its government money. No its taxpayer money. There are continual stories written where government employees know fraud is being committed but because they have a Robin Hood mentality they honor them anyway rich to the poor. these people ought to be fired but public unions protect them.

Analysis some of the Attorney advertisements. They are David pitted against Golith and Golith( Insurance co.) are all bad, nasty stingy. But the other side of the story is that reputable Insurers see and actually are state regulated to be prudent spenders of policyholder funds.

This is a complex topic with not enough room or time to do it justice

Personal Best Regards: