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Old 10-23-2017, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The controversy concerning Trump Derangement Syndrome apparently, again needs clarification.

What it is not. It is not about Trump himself. But, rather about a "strawman" concocted/invented by self interest detractors intent on stopping the Trump Administration from usurping their power and control.

How does It survive? It survives because those self interest detractors have key placement in the news media, academia, Hollywood , intelligence community and political Establishment and hence dominate the news and the false narrative.

This is a pivotal point in the direction this nation will take as it is internationalist vs nationalist. As internationalist I mean other world leaders making decisions for Americans such as the UN

Modus Operandi The aforementioned players are all well attuned to the progressive /Establishment dog whistle and they play off one another. In that Trump will never get a fair hearing no matter what he or his Administration accomplishes.

Trump the Man There is no question that Trump is an individualistic, an alpha male that needs to be top dog. There is no question that he is well versed in the sub-tiles of the business world and he has street smarts.
He is aggressive, a risk taker, and one who, when he sets his sights on a target he will not let go. As stated before what makes us good makes us bad.

Trump despite his education and vast world travel is surprisingly lacking in communications skills and is rough around the edges. But he doesn't thankful speak in Washington speak

However the key point is that he has no ties to anyone in the political world. Worse for his detractors once he sets his sights on something he is like a pit bull and won't let go.

There has not been a politician , with backbone,like this for so long that opponents don't know how to react. its why they all have puzzled looks on their face he actually does what he said he will do

Instinctively they know he will do what he has promised to do and that scares the bejesus out of them.

So they invent fake news, stories, accuse him of being
( you fill in the blank) anything to stop him and have continued that false narrative

Hence Trump Derangement Syndrome ( the obsession with Trump the Man). used to belittle out of hate, fear, misinformation, but never do they speak to the issues
because they re not serious adults.

Personal Best Regards:
As akways you make accusations with never offering any substance....what stories have been invented ? What news is being reported that is made up ?

And do not refer me to Alex Jones again...going anywhere near his website is taking a risk of virus or worse. You two can share conspiracy theories and accusations together., but do not use that nut case to back u up the unamerican claims.

And you always, without fail in any of your little self indulgent speeches ever ever mention where the TRUTH fits in with Trump. He is allowed to lie from the seat of our government..why ? Do not go to anybody else....just tell me where Trump and the Truth come together without using the alt right Alex Jones distortion of facts and conspiracies.

I can live with an egoist President. I can even support some policies, but what makes you trust a proven liar ?