Thread: Well I Tried
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Old 10-24-2017, 08:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Ignore list? Then WHY are you replying to me you ignorant dolt. My wonder you're always the're a lying moron...or idiot? Which is the more stupid?

Go see ANOTHER propaganda movie about blacks? Like ALL the others? Oh yes...NASA couldn't do anything without those 3 black ladies. They were just 3 of 30,000 who ALL worked together to make things work. They did NOTHING that 29,997 white people couldn't have done.

You want to make a movie that shows what the 99% of blacks are like? Make a movie about MLK Blvd in a few major cities...make a movie about a few of the 99% black schools...make movies about the 20% dead wood in businesses, in "white" schools" as the blacks are placed there via quotas...NOT merit. Make a movie about the "character" of the inner city blacks...the 99%.

MINORITIES are now 51% of the they become the will cater to them. Whites will find themselves excluded more and more.

WE treat minorities well...they will not...America at 80% minority and 20% white will NOT be "America". It will be closer to a 3rd world Mexico II. Whites will NOT suddenly "be a minority" and eligible for all kinds of special benefits like "our" minorities have been. They HATE us because we tower over them...they'd like us gone like you want the "know-it-all" gone. You hate them NOT for "knowing everything" but for making you look as stupid as you are. THAT is how blacks feel about white people. They'll NEVER be our breed us out.

Only problem is...white people BUILT and MAINTAIN this modern world. It falls apart without us...only they're too stupid to realize that.

We MUST stop the minority majority.
Blah, blah, blah....