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Old 10-25-2017, 07:18 PM
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Default Trump Team backs off from Cambridge Analytica

After Jared Kushner and Brad Parscale, the campaign’s digital director, hired Cambridge Analytica in the summer of 2016, it dedicated a team of employees to enhance the Trump team’s outreach on Facebook. In interviews, Kushner has seemed eager to take credit for the strategy.

In turn, the firm has taken credit for giving Trump a boost. “Cambridge Analytica was instrumental in identifying supporters, persuading undecided voters, and driving turnout to the polls,” the company said in a press release after Trump's victory.

But on Wednesday, after the Daily Beast reported that its C.E.O., Alexander Nix, had reached out to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with an offer to help release Hillary Clinton’s missing e-mails, Team Trump moved to distance itself from the company.

Questions remain around the extent to which the Trump campaign, and by extension Cambridge Analytica, could have enhanced the Russians' abilities to micro-target voters on Facebook. “I think the Russians had help,” Representative Jackie Speier, a California Democrat who is also a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said.