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Old 11-08-2017, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Including Reserves, America has about 2 million military personel. Add another million for the Guard? Couple million police?

Now put them up against the more than 150 million citizens that have guns.. I think your NY minute just got a lot longer..
Closer to 300 million if you count the minorities too...I wonder...who's side would they be on?

We won the American revolution with supposedly only a few percent of the population rebelling.

Originally Posted by Guest
Ohhhh I’m scared, 150 million
farmers with pitchforks. Good luck boys.
If we’re lucky, 30 million alt right
Idiots will meet there spirit in the sky.

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Farmers with pitchforks? How about .270s and 300MAG? HUNTING rifles are FAR MORE powerful and accurate than your typical military rifle.

30 million with hunting rifles and high powered scopes would do a LOT of damage. Remember ALL those police and reservists have FAMILIES living in houses locally...AMONG those they would be fighting. The police and reservists will NOT turn on the people and would most likely support a massive "French Revolution".

The problem is...the government spies on us and would know about and thwart it at the very beginning. It would use the media to downplay it it would spread lies and misinformation making the revolutionists out to be the bad guys. Propaganda, they would use it against the movement.

Originally Posted by Guest
Never underestimate the power of the people.. Latest estimates say there over 300million guns in the wild. That's a little more than a few pitchforks.

Why do you think America has never been invaded? Remember there are millions of former military in the public sector.

And to believe that all active military and police would actually take up arms against the populace is pure folly.
I agree...

But...America IS changing. It's only half white now and that numbers drops each year. I don't think the minorities have it in them. I don't think an 80% minority America would revolt considering half of them are dependent on government for their existence.

Originally Posted by Guest
Hey, I'm married.. I'll never underestimate that species.. lol
My condolences to you.

Life is so much less complicated without that emotion driven albatross around my neck.