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Old 08-14-2008, 12:03 PM
Boomer Boomer is offline
Soaring Parsley
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Default Re: US Home Values Bottomed Out?

Originally Posted by tankdvr1950
For whats its worth....check out the article in today's WSJ.....if Mr Greenspan is right.....we will not see the bottom until possibly the end of next year.

I am leaving today to hang out with people I can actually see, but I will check the article. Somewhere in this vast number of posts that I cannot seem to stop writing, I did a little rant on Greenspan.

Hellooooooo Alan, what were ya thinkin'? I know the drill about the fed's fear of inflation. I was around in the Carter years. (A mere child I was, of course. But around just the same.)

When Greenspan kept dropping that rate, every time he would come out and see his shadow, I used to yell at him. I would holler, "Hey, AG, I know you are a bloomin' genius. But you're lookin' a little tunnel visioned to me. I know you used to party with Ayn Rand. Well, maybe you shoulda been partying with Boomer. Because this ain't gonna work."

Greenspan was way too easy. Boomer always knew better than to be easy. But Alan would not listen to me.

I know. I know. Boomer is but a bumpkin. And I know it is/was a much bigger picture than just Greenspan. An economy that had been allowed to become a house of cards. Plastic cards. And I have no idea what happened to usury laws. I remember when I first began to see those payday loan places start showing up in strip malls. I did not get it. How could that be legal?

I was pretty tempted to buy a little banking stock a few years ago. But I could not do it. Something just was not right. I would rather have had Altria. At least tobacco warns about the poison being picked. Much more honest than banking.

I have got to get out of here. I could do two or three more verses. But it's lunch with the girls today. When I try to talk about this stuff with some of my friends, they look at me like I am from Mars. But I really am from Venus.

Pogo was right.