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Old 11-12-2017, 07:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I have written on these pages a number of times before that ALL GOVERNMENTS ARE AMORAL they don't care about right or wrong only power and control. the difference is in how they go about it.

Civilization depends on the sanctity of the individual over the collective. Take a glance at our identity politics and the damage it has wrought on this nation. take a glance at our intelligence community and tell me if you really believe they are working in our best interests.

The Establishment in both political parities has gone overboard to damage Trump for a reason. Trump does not help himself and indeed there is much to dislike about this narcissist but he was the one hope we had of breaking through this monolithic we call government bureaucracy. what makes us good makes us bad and because this guy is such a narcissist and an individual we had hope because he is his own man beholding to none.

But the controlling powers have the collectives in hand and the #Never Trump trope will prevail . Trump has made headway but you will never hear about it in the news. so again our amoral government's propaganda is bought hook, line and sinker.

Personal Best Regards:
Yes...they are ALL amoral.

They are NOT working in "our" best interests.

You were wrong...Trump DOES work for "them"...the system controls ALL those before him.

"They" the rich and powerful STILL control everything..that doesn't change with the "election" of a "new" president.

Originally Posted by Guest
Hard to find words to describe this post.

"Civilization depends on the sanctity of the individual over the collective"

So elect, support, praise and defend the single most non caring person about any individuals on the planet. I cant even discuss the word "sanctity" without getting sick.

"The Establishment in both political parities has gone overboard to damage Trump for a reason. Trump does not help himself and indeed there is much to dislike about this narcissist but he was the one hope we had of breaking through this monolithic we call government bureaucracy. what makes us good makes us bad and because this guy is such a narcissist and an individual we had hope because he is his own man beholding to none.

Yes, YOU are about the only support left, you and your band of merry men. THE REASON is that Trump is absolutely tearing apart all that is good about this country. HOW IN THE HELL did you think a self centered person could possibly break through anything. And you can say he is NOT BEHOLDEN to any man and I ask based on what. IF not for his father he was done at at early age when he was pulled from going broke, and then when he AGAIN failed with the casinos, he screwed them and the investors. He is in MASSIVE DEBT for sure to Deuscth Bank and sincehe lied and never told us anything about his personal finances, we have no idea whom else has their tongs into him.

He is beholden to lots and one of the "lot" is HIMSELF. The promises to divest were a LIE, as he still rakes in personal money off his presidency.

"But the controlling powers have the collectives in hand and the #Never Trump trope will prevail . Trump has made headway but you will never hear about it in the news. so again our amoral government's propaganda is bought hook, line and sinker.

He has signed a bunch of EOs which will all be rebuked and cancelled. He has made zero headway FOR THE COUNTRY
AND you say that with never any list of accomplishments but I can tell you he is dividing this country and that is his goal...that was his goal as many who knew him predicted and he is reaching that goal. All other "headway" is in his famiy coffers as YOUR expense.......the lying and cheating and disregard for ethics in the WH right now will require a big time cleaning.

Your love for him despited NO accomplishments, despite dividing the country further, despite his personal attacks on individuals AND OUR COUNTRY tells me what you support and how anti american you really are.
You are WAY too emotional lady...