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Old 08-15-2008, 01:37 AM
784caroline 784caroline is offline
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Default Re: Beware C & E Landscaping - Photos of consequences of "no staking" policy

I dont know much about the Landscape business but I think I know somethihng about customer relations in running a business and you are going about this the wrong way.

There are always two sides to each story..glad to hear yours, but who has the most to lose here. There is no doubt that trees are leaning and that your staff used poor or improper material to stake the trees even after the issue was brought to someone attention. I may use string to stake a tree but I have no idea what I am doing ..string simply would not meet the comon sense test of what was right especially for a professional landscaper.

OK so this problem just got to your desk may want to find out why it took so long for you to find out ..but now that you know, the answer is simple.... FIX IT and fix it fast to minimize further problems especially if as you say this home is in a new area and you are trying to get new business! HOw much work could it involve to straigthen and stake some trees!!! Regardless of the "great deal" you gave this customer, if it did not meet the expected standards of the area plus it simply looks BAD....I mean look at the pictures, you have to make it good if you want to stay in business. I cannot believe newly planted trees did not have to be properly staked considering the wind we get here in TV regardless of what your contract states. BTW I hope you took your signs down advertising the work you did on this property.....not something someone would be proud of.

As of now, I know there are alot of landscaping companies out there, and I personally don't need one to agrue with regardless of who is right or wrong....takes up my pickelball/golf time!