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Old 11-19-2017, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest

No -- you are too much "big picture", and don't understand that individuals acting freely (i.e. no Type 2 laws) will arrange their lives to be happiest to them. The demographic statistics will still be with us, but they won't matter if there are no Type 2 social engineering laws and everyone arranges their lives according tot their preferences.

In your case that arrangement is a Villages arrangement with no fear that it will be demographically disrupted by Type 2 laws. Once you have that arrangement and security, you are happy... case closed. If you are not happy with happiness (within your personal Type 1 (ONE) space), then I don't know how you can be helped.

I'm trying to help you achieve Type 1 happiness (which includes a demographic component) by means of Repealing the 17th Amendment, which is a piece of low hanging fruit on the Liberty tree. And for the sake of political correctness, I'm leaving out some 17th details that will lead to people like you setting up the demographic arrangements they like, and are Type 1-justified in seeking.

And you can't see the forest for the trees.

THEY are the MAJORITY. White men...the ONLY ones who WANT the freedom you speak of...are only 25% of the population...right now today.

Joe Biden Admits Breeding Out The White Race Through Immigration Is The End Game - YouTube

Women and minorities make up 75%. THEY WANT the "nanny state" and they will NOT vote away their "cash cow". Their "protection" from white male dominance. It's NOT going to happen. Just like nobody is going to snatch up 100 million Hispanics that SHOULDN'T be here.

BOTH WILL destroy America...the Hispanic majority in 30 years AND all the bullsh!t "type 2 laws you speak of. Because just as the Hispanics want "sanctuary cities" for more of "their people"...they WANT the "protection" of the type 2 laws. They won't vote it away.