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Old 11-25-2017, 07:55 AM
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Those who demean the media are the fruits of Trumps labor.

NEVER, NOT ONCE, DESPITE many requests, has anyone ever shown one example of media lying with news, except for calling every lie told on tape in the Presidents own voice, fake news.

When you have a WH based on deceit, the media is vital. When you have a WH based on deception, the media is vital.

Calling out the media with no facts is simply a symptom of some syndrome that Rubicon can work on.

The OP is manifesting a NON DEMOCRATIC, almost verbatim from Putin's mouth, point of view.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List - The New York Times

Last tine we had this demeaning of free press was prior to WW2.

If Kardashian type news is offensive, try stepping up and changing your source.