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Old 11-25-2017, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Contrast liberalism today and compare it with liberalism at the time of the founding of this nation and you would discover a juxtaposition in many of today's liberal ideas and beliefs.

Liberalism back then meant a belief in minimal government. Liberals sought only a wise and frugal government and a government that left citizens free to regulate their own destiny. Liberals believed in the magnanimous view of human nature as was reflected in the Declaration of Independence They believed the differences of men rest with the issue of "nurture" vis a vis "nature" and hence a priority was education.

Liberals back then believed in an optimistic and confident future for the New Republic. And they believed that America was the chosen nation and the world's best hope and hence had a special role in fulfilling is future.

Quite a contrast from today's liberal party where its favorite president viewed American exceptionalism no greater than any other nation.

Liberalism today that demands equal outcomes vis a vis freedom to pursue one's own destiny

Liberalism today that favors and nourishes big and intrusive government

Liberalism today that demands people's lives be dictated by government regulations and policy.

Liberalism today that believes citizens and non citizens alike are entitled to live off the government.

Liberalism today that supports and encourages acts of non-patriotism (NFL)

Liberalism that applause's acts of treason (Snowden) and desertion (Bergdahl) in the face of enemy.

Liberalism that defends and protects criminal behavior (illegal immigration Sanctuary cities)

Personal Best Regards:
Those are all way too simplistic.